Seasonal Risks…and your pet
Along with warmer weather comes more outdoor time with our pets and therefore increased exposure to seasonal risks.

Some things to consider include:
Ticks: ticks are active anytime the temperature is 4ºC and above and can transmit several tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease.
Heartworm disease transmission: Heartworm disease is transmitted by infected mosquitoes, here in Ontario we consider Heartworm season May– November.
Heartworm/Lyme disease screening
Fleas; where they come from and how to treat and prevent and them
Additional and important vaccinations based on your Pet’s lifestyle i.e. swimming, hiking, boarding etc.
Options for Tick, flea and heartworm prevention.
Contact us today at (519) 821-6565 to discuss seasonal risks, screening and prevention. We want our patients protected and ready!